Bought this Porsche roadster for my grandsons first birthday.I can tell you he absolutely loves it.From the realistic headlights,rear lights,it even has light up wheels on this thing.It has a comfortable seat with harness which is perfect for him.Push button to start motor sound,cool horn and it plays grandson is not able to push gas pedal yet but I had so much fun using the remote control device to drive him all around the house.I only used the first speed because the 2nd and 3rd speeds were too fast for the house and it was raining outside.Cant wait to use it outside.Used car for about 3 hours on and off after birthday party and battery never died.Everyone was in awe with this car and the red color with black trim was so sporty looking.I am so happy we bought this for him.Now I will be looking at your site for Christmas.I highly recommend KIDS EYE CANDY!!!